X-408 is ideal for applications that require discreet input monitoring over an IP network. Use X-408 to register the condition of buttons and contacts. Send the status of input to other 400 series controllers (X-400, X-410, etc.) for real-time management of processes.
Monitor on / off mode for push buttons and contacts. By means of peer-to-peer communication (P2P), the module can logically be coupled to I / O on remote modules to control a variety of devices such as door locks or light.
Connect water sensors, float switches, etc. Configure X- 408 to send e-mail / text alarms when the sensor is triggered. Monitor safety sensors such as magnetic door / window sensors, motion sensors, loop detectors and more. Configure X-408 to send e-mail / text alerts when sensors are activated in specific situations O.li.
Use X-408 to monitor photo detectors, end stop switches, counters, etc. in manufacturing processes. Connect Flow sensors to X-408, and configure its control page to show flow in Lliter per minute, etc. In real time.
X-408 can be connected to many different sensor types.
I / O - Mirroring: X-408 can be used in a larger, distributed system. Illustration shows how X-408 works with other ControlByWeb products for I / O mirroring.