Måling og skriftlig rapport pr. kabel, 6-49 stk
Måling og skriftlig rapport pr. kabel, 6-49 stk.
COAX Reinforcement Rod, Cable Strips
Disposable RG58 / 59/62 COAX Cables and Removes the Exterior Cover
Dimensions 36 x 24 x 109 mm (H x W x D)
Weight approx. 52 grams
Professional injector with light for cable identification.
Attach the light bulb at one end and in the opposite, the light will light.
SC / ST fiber cable mounting kit:
2 sprayers for 2-component epoxy adhesive & nbsp;
3-wire insulation rod
1 bottle cleaner
1 ST and 1 SC polish washers
Wipe paper
Rubber and glass work base
0.05 μm, 1 μm and 6 μm diamond polishing film
Vulkaniseringstape/ isoleringsbånd til vandtætte samlinger, 19 mm x 5 meter