Mini Keyboard with Touch Pad
Dansk layout
USB Cable 1.8 meters (A Han)
Goal: 370 x 139 x 20 mm
Passer i alle DANBITs rack-skuffer og 19” hylder.
Wireless / RF Mini Keyboard
Built-in Mini Touchpad as 90 ° Reverable
71 Keys and Laser Points
Connection: Bluetooth electricity. RF Dongle
Built up charging battery.
Load via USB port
Size: 151 x 59 x 12.5 mm
Beige Mini Keyboard with 89 keys
US character set
combined numerical and function keys
PS / 2 cable, 1.8 meters
can be used with USB adapter (not included with)
Aim: 292 x 154 x 29 mm
Mini keyboard with touchpad
89 keys
Nordic layout
USB - plug & Play
Mini keyboard with touch pad
Norwegian layout
USB cable 1.8 meters (A male)
target: 370 x 139 x 20 mm