Coax / BNC antennekabel RG58 han-han
50 Ohm
Driftstemperatur: -20 til 75°C
Sort, PVC
RG58 er 50 Ω coax kabel, der bl.a. benyttes til Ethernet.
Adapterkabel R/TNC han til SMA-type han, 0,6 m, LLC100 kabel, Linksys
Antenna adapter with N-type connector, female - female
used for collection of cables with N male
Coax / BNC antenna cable RG59 male-male
Double Shielded
75 Ohm
Operating temperature: -20 to 75 ° C
Black or white
RPTNC male to N-Type male coax cable of 1 meter
TNC - Round + hole
N - N he
For e.g. Linksys AP, Cisco
LLC200 coax cable