Via network

Via network

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Board til fjernkontrol og...

Board til fjernkontrol og måling via Internet/LAN, 1 x DI, 1 x AI, 1 x Relæ, 1-Wire temperaturføler

Open board til smart temperatur- eller fugt måling and styring
Password beskyttet Web baseret konfiguration og kontrol
1 x digital input med “dry contact” og “logic level” mode
1 x analog input fra 0 til 60VDC
1 relæ output med NO/NC kontakter
1-Wire input til 1 temperature eller fugtmåler
SNMP v.1 support
SNMP traps ved alarm
E-mail udsendelse ved alarm
SMTP med godkendelse (SSL/TLS er ikke supporteret)
HTTP og XML API kommandoer
Remote FTP firmware update.

Price 108.19 EUR
Product code: TCW112-CM
Physically in stock  
  • 4 x Analog input, 4 x...

    4 x Analog input, 4 x Analog output, 0-10V, 0-20mA, 12/16bit. MODBUS TCP/IP, 2 x RJ45 Daisy chain, Pair mode,

    MODBUS TCP/IP module with analogue in- and output
    User-definable Modbus TCP Slave addressing
    Max. 10 clients connected
    Supports RESTful API for IIoT applications
    Supports peer-to-peer communications
    Saves time and wiring costs with daisy-chain topologies
    Active communication with WIN-OPC UA Server
    Supports SNMP v1
    Easy mass deployment and configuration with Device Search utility
    Friendly configuration via Web browser
    Temperature range -20 to +70°C
    DIN Mount
    Phoenix contacts
    Supply 12 - 36VDC/ 3 Watt
    Size: 124 x 84 x 28 mm

    Price 449.16 EUR
    Product code: ETH-MOD4AI4AO
    On the way in  
  • 8 x analog high voltage...

    8 x analog high voltage inputs +/- 150VDC, 16bit, 4 x digital output to the LAN, Pair-mode, 2 x RJ45, -25 - + 75 ° C, 12 - 48VDC

    Ethernet I/O module for the measurement of analog high-voltage differential inputs
    8 x Analog input: +/-50V, +/-150V
    4 x Digital output - Isolated Open Collector, max. 50VDC, 700mA per channel
    16bit solution
    Sample frequency: Normal mode 10 samples per second
    Sample frequency fixed mode: 50 samples per second
    Supports MODBUS TCP and UDP
    Integrated Web Server - access with ID, password and IP filter
    Power up and safe levels can be programmed
    2 x RJ45 10 / 100Mbit ports - daisy-chain
    Pair-connection - mirror one input to others output
    Supply voltage: 12 - 48VDC 4,2Watt
    Dimensions: 120 x 76 x 38 mm
    Housing: plastic with DIN bracket

    Price Call for price
    Product code: ETHIO8AI4O-2-I
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  • 4 x Analogue in, 4 x Analog...

    4 x Analogue in, 4 x Analog out, 4 x digital zoom. 16bit, 2 x RJ45 Daisy Chain, I/O Pair-link 12 - 48VDC

    Web-baseret I/O modul, Modbus/TCP / UDP
    4 x Analog inputs (differential) voltage or current
    Resolution: 16bit
    Analog Input: +/- 10 V, 0 - 20mA (jumper)
    4 x Analog outputs voltage or current
    Analog output: +/- 10VDC, 0 - 20mA (jumper)
    4 x Digital inputs (dry or wet), max. + 30VDC
    I / O Pair-function - the input is mirrored to the second output
    10 samples per second (fast: 50 samples)
    Protocol: Modbus TCP / UDP
    Supply voltage: 12-48 Volt DC / 5Watt

    Price 632.62 EUR
    Product code: ETHIO4I4O-2I
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  • 8 x Analog inputs...

    8 x Analog inputs differential isolated +/- 10V, 0-20mA and 4 x Digital outputs (OC), 1 x RJ45 LAN, 10 - 30VDC

    Built-in Web server
    Web HMI
    Modbus TCP and Modbus UDP protocols
    Good communication security
    1 x RJ45 port Ethernet
    Dual Watchdog
    Operating temperature range: -25 to + 75 ° C
    I / O Pair-connection input is mirrored in the other's output
    8 x Analog differential input: output voltage and current
    +/- 150mV - +/- 10V, 20mA +/- - 0 - 20mA
    16-bit resolution, 10 samples per second
    4 x Digital outputs - Open Collector, max. 50VDC / 700mA
    Supply voltage: 10 - 30VDC / 2.8Watt

    Price 387.88 EUR
    Product code: ETHIO8AI4O-I
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  • 6 x Analog Differential...

    6 x Analog Differential input voltage and to mA. 2 x Analog output voltage and mA, 2 x Dig in 2 x Dig out, 1 x RJ45, PoE

    Built-in Web server
    Web HMI
    Modbus / TCP and Modbus / UDP protocols
    Good communication security
    Dual Watchdog
    Operating temperature range: -25 ~ + 75 ° C
    I/O Pair-link - the input is mirrored in the other's output
    6 x Analog inputs: 500mV +/- - +/- 10 V, 0 - 20mA (16bit)
    2 x Analog outputs: 0 - +/- 10VDC, 0 - 20mA (12bit)
    10 samples per second
    2 x Digital input (count): Wet / Dry, max. + 30VDC (100Hz)
    2 x Digital outputs: Open Collector, max. 50VDC / 700mA
    1 x RJ45 Ethernet
    Power supply: PoE or 10 - 30VDC / 4Watt

    Price 493.52 EUR
    Product code: ETHIO8I4O-P-I
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  • 7 x inputs for temperature...

    7 x inputs for temperature sensors (differential), Pt100, Pt1000, Ni120, CU100, CU1000, 1 x RJ45 LAN, MODBUS, PoE, 10-30VDC

    Built-in Web server
    Web HMI
    Modbus TCP and Modbus UDP protocols
    Good communication security
    1 x RJ45 port Ethernet
    Dual Watchdog
    Operating temperature range: -25 to + 75 ° C
    I / O Pair-connection input is mirrored in the other's output
    7 x RTD Interface: Pt100, Pt1000, Ni120, CU100, CU1000
    Differentialindgange to the temperature sensor, 2 and 3-wire solution
    Power supply: PoE or 10 - 30VDC / 2.5watt

    Price 396.48 EUR
    Product code: ETHIO7RTD-P-I
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  • 6 x Analog Differential...

    6 x Analog Differential input voltage and to mA. 2 x Analog output voltage and mA, 2 x Dig in 2 x Dig out, 2 x RJ45, PoE

    Built-in Web server
    Web HMI
    Modbus / TCP and Modbus / UDP protocols
    Good communication security
    Dual Watchdog
    Operating temperature range: -25 ~ + 75 ° C
    I/O Pair-link - the input is mirrored in the other's output
    6 x Analog inputs: 500mV +/- - +/- 10 V, 0 - 20mA (16bit)
    2 x Analog outputs: 0 - +/- 10VDC, 0 - 20mA (12bit)
    10 samples per second
    2 x Digital input (count): Wet / Dry, max. + 30VDC (100Hz)
    2 x Digital outputs: Open Collector, max. 50VDC / 700mA
    2 x RJ45 Ethernet Daisy chain
    Supply voltage: PoE or 10 - 30VDC / 4Watt

    Price 540.02 EUR
    Product code: ETHIO8I4O-P2I
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  • 7 x inputs for temperature...

    7 x inputs for temperature sensors (differential), Pt100, Pt1000, Ni120, CU100, CU1000, 1 x RJ45 LAN, MODBUS, 10-30VDC

    Built-in Web server
    Web HMI
    Modbus TCP and Modbus UDP protocols
    Good communication security
    1 x RJ45 port Ethernet
    Dual Watchdog
    Operating temperature range: -25 to + 75 ° C
    I / O Pair-connection input is mirrored in the other's output
    7 x RTD Interface: Pt100, Pt1000, Ni120, CU100, CU1000
    Differentialindgange to the temperature sensor, 2 and 3-wire solution
    Supply voltage: 10 - 30VDC / 2.5watt

    Price 375.65 EUR
    Product code: ETHIO7RTD-I
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  • 6 x Analog Differential...

    6 x Analog Differential input voltage and to mA. 2 x Analog output voltage and mA, 2 x Dig in 2 x Dig out, 1 x RJ45, 10-30VDC

    Built-in Web server
    Web HMI
    Modbus / TCP and Modbus / UDP protocols
    Good communication security
    Dual Watchdog
    Operating temperature range: -25 ~ + 75 ° C
    I/O Pair-link - the input is mirrored in the other's output
    6 x Analog inputs: 500mV +/- - +/- 10 V, 0 - 20mA (16bit)
    2 x Analog outputs: 0 - +/- 10VDC, 0 - 20mA (12bit)
    10 samples per second
    2 x Digital input (count): Wet / Dry, max. + 30VDC (100Hz)
    2 x Digital outputs: Open Collector, max. 50VDC / 700mA
    1 x RJ45 Ethernet
    Supply voltage: 10 - 30VDC / 4Watt

    Price 523.62 EUR
    Product code: ETHIO8I4O-I
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  • 6 x Analog Differential...

    6 x Analog Differential input voltage and to mA. 2 x Analog output voltage and mA, 2 x Dig in 2 x Dig out, 2 x RJ45

    Built-in Web server
    Web HMI
    Modbus / TCP and Modbus / UDP protocols
    Good communication security
    Dual Watchdog
    Operating temperature range: -25 ~ + 75 ° C
    I/O Pair-link - the input is mirrored in the other's output
    6 x Analog inputs: 500mV +/- - +/- 10 V, 0 - 20mA (16bit)
    2 x Analog outputs: 0 - +/- 10VDC, 0 - 20mA (12bit)
    10 samples per second
    2 x Digital input (count): Wet / Dry, max. + 30VDC (100Hz)
    2 x Digital outputs: Open Collector, max. 50VDC / 700mA
    2 x RJ45 Ethernet
    Supply voltage: 10 - 30VDC / 4Watt

    Price 514.35 EUR
    Product code: ETHIO8I4O-2I
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  • 7 x input to the...

    7 x input to the temperature sensor (differential) 16 bits, Pt, Ni, Cu sensors, 2 LAN ports - daisy chain 10-30VDC

    7 pcs. differentialindgange for temperature sensor
    Pt-100, Pt-1000, Ni120, Cu100/1000
    With built-in 2 port ethernet switch
    LAN Daisy Chain to the next module
    Built-in Web server
    Web HMI
    Modbus TCP and Modbus UDP protocols
    16 bit resolution - 12 samples / second
    Good communication security
    Dual Watchdog
    Operating temperature: -25 to + 75 ° C
    I / O Pair compound. Mirroring input to output
    Supply voltage: 10 - 30VDC / 3watt

    Price 396.48 EUR
    Product code: ETHIO7RTD-2I
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