Terminalkort med 37 skrueterminaler, DB37 hun, DIN-montering
Terminalkort med skrueterminaler
DB37 han/ han kabel på 1,8m medfølger
Til DIN skinne montering
103 x 85 x 50 mm (W x L)
16 optoisolerede indgange, fælles stel (minus) og 16 optoisolerede udgange,
Supports a 32-bit 5 V PCI bus
16-CH isolated digital inputs
16-CH isolated digital outputs - Open-Collector
5000 VRMS optical isolation
Sink current up to 500 mA on each isolated output
OPTO16I16PCI (ADLINK"s PCI-7230) is a 32-CH isolated input and/or output cards which provide a 2,500 V optical isolation protection. The wide input range of the OPTO16I16PCI makes it easy to sense the status of external devices. The non-polarity characteristic is suitable for a wide variety of industry applications. The OPTO16I16PCI device also feature a wide output range from 5 to 35 V, which is suitable for relay driving and industrial automation applications. The OPTO16I16PCI also provide two interrupt sources on digital input channels.
Terminalkort med skrueterminaler
DB37 han/ han kabel på 1,8m medfølger
Til DIN skinne montering
103 x 85 x 50 mm (W x L)
Med tilstandsdetektor på alle 32 indgange
Optoisolerede indgange - 2,5kV - fælles stel
Logik: Low 0-3,2VDC, High: 3,5 - 24VDC
PCI kort med 8 relæer og 8 optoisolerede indgange
8-CH high power relay outputs (5A @ 250VAC or 30VDC)
8-CH isolated digital inputs with AC-filter
1-CH emergency shutdown input
Pluggable connector for high current input
Supports universal 32-bit 3.3V and 5V PCI bus
Initial state and safety state setting by DIP switches
Built-in watchdog timer
PCI kort med 96 TTL I/O kanaler, samt 3 tæller
PCI interface
96-CH digital TTL/DTL inputs/outputs
Emulates 4/2/1 industry standard 8255 PPI (mode 0)
Direct interface with OPTO-22 compatible I/O modules
Output port status read back
On board 8254 timer/counter chip
Programmable interrupt source
Adlink PCI-7296
Support a 32-bit 3.3 V or 5 V PCI bus
32-CH TTL digital inputs and 32-CH TTL digital outputs
Up to 12 MB/s transfer rate
Bus mastering DMA for both digital inputs and outputs
On-board programmable timer pacer clock
Supports handshaking digital I/O transfer mode
Multiple programmable interrupt sources
Compact, low-profile PCI size PCB